Two of our Master students, Mark Fijneman and Jonathan Jagt, have been selected for the national CTF team that will be representing the Netherlands in the European Cyber Security Challenge in October in Turin, Italy.
Güneş Acar was interviewed for the June 2024 edition of the In a Nutshell podcast of the university magazine Vox.
After 13,5 years of active service as Professor of ‘Smart Environments, Data Protection and the Rule of Law’, Mireille Hildebrandt will retire at iCIS and Radboud University on 1 July 2024. Hildebrandt taught the master course on ‘Law in Cyberspace’ from 2011-2019, resulting in her OUP text book ‘Law for Computer Scientists and Other Folk (available in OA). From 2019-2024 she was PI of the ERC Advanced Grant on ‘Counting as a Human Being in the Era of Computational Law’, with myriad outputs, such as the new diamond open access Journal on Cross-Disciplinary Research in Computational Law. Two examples of her most recent publications on the cusp of law and computer science are ‘The Issue of Proxies and Choice Architecture’ and ‘Ground-Truthing in the European Health Data Space’. Binnenkort komt haar onderzoek naar ‘AI en de toekomst van de juridische methode’ uit in Rechtstreeks, het tijdschrift van de Raad voor de Rechtspraak. Hildebrandt blijft actief en bereidt het komende jaar een wetenschappelijke monografie voor inzake The Future of Legal Method. A New Legal Hermeneutics in the Era of Computational ‘Law’. Her informal valedictory talk will take place in July, this date will be communicated in due course.
In 2018, Prof. Mireille Hildebrandt, affiliated with Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the iCIS institute in the Faculty of ScieMirnce of the Radboud University, was awarded an ERC Advanced grant for her research project proposal CUHOBICOL (pronounce cubicle). PI Hildebrandt conducted the research together with her team with expertise in different disciplines from January 2019 to January 2024. CUHOBICOL is cross-disciplinary involving both law and computing science in light of the transition from text-driven law to code- and data driven law. Its main goal has been to rethink legal method in a way that sustains the checks and balances of the Rule of Law. Prof. Hildebrandt has made the results of CUHOBICOL available on a dedicated website with, on top of classical papers and monographs, the Typology of Legal Technologiesto create a hands-on experience with new legal technologies for the interested. Additionally, earlier this week a special issue of the new scientific journal saw the light under the auspices of the CUHOBICOL project, namely the Journal of Cross-Disciplinary Research in Computational Law, containing 8 positions papers by global thought leaders including e.g. computer scientists such as Arvind Narayanan and Denis Merigoux.
On June 20 we organise a second national AFFECT.NL "fuzzing" workshop, this time at VU in Amsterdam.
On October 19, we are hosting an OWASP NL meet-up with talks on (security problems in) CI/CD pipelines and on open source tooling produced at ABN-AMRO to statically analyse code repositories for exposed credentials.9 October 2023
On October 11, Jaap-Henk Hoepman and Frederik Borgesius will be giving presentations at a round table in Dutch Parliament on client side scanning as measure to combat child sexual abuse material (CSAM).9 October 2023
At the Hack-The-Hague event on 2 October the two teams from our student CTF group setup won 1st and 2nd place in the Hackademic category for student teams, winning 2500 and 1250 euro, respectively.9 October 2023
Smart meters have become commonplace in the Netherlands: the vast majority of households now have one in their fuse box. And yet, some 10 years after their introduction, there are still many questions and challenges surrounding the security and privacy aspects of smart meters. It is important to finally address these challenges so that energy suppliers take adequate steps to protect consumers in the future, warns Pol Van Aubel in his PhD thesis, which he will defend at Radboud University on 25 September.9 October 2023
Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius & Michael Veale (University CollegeLondon) received a prize for their paper ‘Adtech and real-time biddingunder European data protection law’8 June 2023
A recent paper from iCIS/DiS researchers Gunes Acar (PI), Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius and their co-authors from KU Leuven and University of Lausanne won the prestigious CNIL-Inria Award for Privacy Protection.25 May 2023
The 2nd international CRCL: Computational ‘law’ on Edge conference organised by COHUBICOL in collaboration with CRCL has launched its 2023 Call for Abstracts.We invite computer scientists and lawyers, as well as scholars in the humanities or social sciences to submit an extended abstract by 15 April.13 March 2023